Saturday, September 25, 2010

Common Wealth Games - A Slap on our National Pride

Well, what is being reported in the media is being read by and seen by everyone all over the world. Really, just hoping that even half of it is just false or the reporter's imagination.  As such, agreed that India is a developing nation, one of the fastest developing nation, an economic tiger in itself, still if one sees the level of poverty and the current standard of living,  spending crores of rupees on a Mega Event like the Common Wealth Games appears to be a big waste of money.  Yes, it is true, to give a better picture of our nation, to bring our nation to the limelight before the whole world, there is a need for India to play host to such mega events, as after all, cost cannot be the only yard stick. 

But in such a situation, it should be strictly ensured that nothing of any sort happens that may give a bad name to the nation's pride.  The first thing that should be ensured in such a situation is that the management of such a big event should not be in the hands of a favoured few. The management should constitute of people who are related to the event and have the necessary expertise and last but not the least, a sense of pride for the country.  Looking to the media reports, like the bad facilities, sports and fitness equipments being hired at charges never heard of etc, it clearly appears that getting the charge of managing this mega Event i.e. the Common Wealth Games was like getting a lottery.  To hell with National Pride, let's fill our pockets first, appears to have been the criteria. 

If all this has really happened, it really is a National Shame.  We have degraded our country in front of the whole world  and projected ourselves, not as an economic tiger or a fast developing country but just one of the worst Corrupt Country.  What really hurts is that we, the people of India, we the citizens of this country have come to terms and have accepted such incidents as part of daily life.  It just does not make any difference to us even if such incidents degrade the name of our country.

Where has our National Pride gone?  Has it eroded over the years or as some people rightly say "A sense of nationalism does not exist in we Indians mainly because we got independence without any major sacrifices".  A Kalmadi or a group headed by a Kalmadi or his likes cannot force us to hang our heads in shame.  It is time for us Indians to register our protests and atleast see to it that it anything happens not only in the Common Wealth Games but in any event or happening that brings about shame or discredit to our nation, the persons responsible for such a fate should be charged for criminal conspiracy against the nation and should be blacklisted from any activities in the public field for his/her lifetime. And such drastic steps can be possible, only when we, the ordinay citizens get up and let the concerned people know that  if we have let some leaders act on our behalf and run the nation democratically, we do have the power to pull them down in the same democratic manner. 

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